Three ways to make MEDITATION more effective

From my 8 years of experience of doing meditation, I have discovered three things to make meditation more effective. These things have helped me so much that I thought why not share it with the world, I am sure if you follow these three rules, you are going to level up your meditation.

Just so you know, I am not expert, I am just sharing my experiences which helped me grow and become better person.

So, let’s rush to the “3”

1. Don’t Try to control your mind

Yeah, that’s right. What i mean by this is, just don’t consciously try to control mind. Because even thinking of not thinking is thinking. So, the more you resist your mind, it’s going to make more noise. One of the best things you can do( I did) is to LET MIND BE MIND.

Let it chatter…

You focus on your breath. and whenever you seems to go away with your thoughts, bring back your awareness to your breath. Gradually with experience, your thoughts will become less day by day.

2. Mind tricks

Whenever your mind loses control in meditation( it happens when go deep in meditation), your mind starts to play tricks to get control basically try to wake you up from meditation. Mind plays tricks like feeling of body itching,  feeling something is crawling on you, or might feel something like that. Everyone feels different in their meditation. 

So, don’t let it play tricks, simply bring back your awareness to your breath.

3. The Real Meditation

Most people do meditation to manifest something in their life, but this is not real meditation. If you really want to meditate productively, I highly recommend , don’t start with visualization. The Real Meditation is being aware of what’s going on inside of you, It is the awareness of self. You will soon realize the truth that, you are not being aware of yourself , “You are awareness”.

The more you become aware of yourself, more bliss you feel.  For me, Meditation is something else, its like a very private moment where you meet yourself. Personally,  I don’t like to share this private moment with anyone not even with my materialistic desires. So, what i suggest is to do 10 minutes of meditation for being simply aware. If you want you can do your visualization for manifestation where you incorporate new ideas and beliefs after that , but first know yourself.